Monday, March 04, 2002

Okay, I'd just like everyone to know that I'm grinning madly like a doped up lemur (though I really don't know what a doped up lemur looks like, nor would I want to know, nor would I really want to look like one; I just imagine that they must look rather silly when doped up, and since I look rather silly at the best of times it seemed appropriate. Only it didn't, I'm just really tired and babbling, and this parenthetical has gone on far too long.) and am feeling quite loved in the non-adoration sort of way, which I can actually handle without going into spazms (read: I've got issues. Big, nasty, snarling issues of DOOM.), and that usually tends to make me grin madly. Nothing out of the ordinary with that. (Aside from my unhealthy addiction to parenthesis, that is...)

I would also like everyone to know that if I weren't so bloody exhausted, I'd be drawing reams of fanart. Instead, I'm going to go to bed, and bring lots of paper and some good pencils to the HSPA tomorrow. And a nice eraser. And maybe cranberry juice, because, you know, water does get a little boring after a while. But I never said that; it would be out of character. (Then again, my life is out of character so hey, it can't get too much worse, can it?)

Right. Bed. I'm going, honest. *falls over, asleep already*

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