Friday, July 28, 2006


will I hear you in
echoes of wings or rain
in fireflies (lightning bugs?
Nimita, hotaru, a thousand other words
all as powerful as lightning bolts)
we bleed ink
skin stretched paperthin
and broken down beneath the pen
the needle

would this be
another four letter word?
genteel, obscene, beautiful
found in the taste
of blackberries, summer,
sweet/sour memories:
loss, pain, love

(I want to walk
as a chameleon
indecipherable from the scenery
at home wherever I might go
when no place is

and when our dead
walk (shamble, stroll-
they have no need for hurry)
there will be no words
no lightning bolts
only cold quiet
broken by the sound
of footsteps

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thoughts on X-Force

Even more fangirling in the general direction of the X-Men. *fails*

Finally got my hands on X-Force and Gen X. Have been spending all my waking free time reading. Eyes halfway melted. *dies* Going to start using the words "flonq" and "fekt" in every day speech at this rate- I have a history of picking up euphemistic curses from comic books.

I love Deadpool so much; his introduction to the Marvel Universe is as deliciously wacky as his independent series, and the artist working on New Mutants at the time made him sexy. I respect anyone who can make a guy in a red and black spiderman ripoff bodysuit look sexy. I love that he and Cable have a history together from before the Facade virus thing, because it makes the Cable & Deadpool series that much more ridiculous. ("We fought once. He fed-exed me back to my boss in a box.") They were also in love with the same woman for a bit- technically Cable did think Vanessa was Domino, but still. Yet another random connection between the two that still does nothing to reduce the WTF factor of Cable & Deadpool.

I also love Pietro "Sustenance is not frivolous" Maximoff to pieces. Spastic speedsters make me happy. I'm going to have to read all of X-Factor eventually, but that can wait; I'd only be reading it for Pietro and Jamie, and they wander in and out of the lineup at various points.

Early X-Force/Late New Mutants Cable is an ass...but I still like him. And he gets better! So much better. His rare moments of woobiness (hugging Sam! awkwardness with Domino! d'awwww) and wtfery (beer! sandwiches! weird medical equipment!) just make me love him even more. I do like Sam better, of course, because I'm a sucker for woobiness, particularly immortal woobiness with a southern accent. The way Sam acts around his mother is too adorable for words.

His family is as numerous as the Summers, but nowhere near as annoying.

My love for Cable is still pretty intense, though. His sense of humor entertains me to no end, and his speech mannerisms (heheh, "stab your eyes" heheh) make me giggle madly. And even if I am firmly convinced that Cable and Deadpool are boyfriends (in a mostly hetero/asexual manner, mind you), Cable and Domino are, perhaps, one of my favorite couples in the Marvel Universe. That isn't actually much of an accomplishment. But. Dom is an all around awesome character and the two of them are all sorts of awkward and adorable together, and I am a slave to the woob.

Also? "Harvard. Class of eighty-eight." BWAHAHAHA. But on the other hand, Cable didn't know he was a Summers until after the mess with Stryfe- and that doesn't mean a whole lot to a time traveler, really, but it seems like he could have spent his time out of time after dealing with Stryfe the first time somewhere other than Harvard Law. Just a thought.

Aaaand Generation X is love, which is to say, angsty goth bondage fetishist britboy Jono is love, as are Ange, M, and Paige. (I just have a fondness for all the characters who throw random bits of Spanish into their speech.)

In conclusion, sideline Marvel characters make me so, so happy. I couldn't care less about the main X-men teams. Gambit doesn't even hold any appeal for me now, and that's a thing I never would have thought to be possible. Just- man. The sprawling, incomprehensible majesty of this universe astounds me.

Years of retcon and twisted timelines, switching artists and writers and plot supervisors, and yet the whole thing still manages to hold together as a cohesive whole. Much as I love manga and the aristry behind it- one person or one team of people, with art and storylines that evolve as the manga-ka evolves- there is no manga series out there that can compare to the sheer enormity of X-Men.

Typical for America, I suppose. Never do something unless you can do it big.

In unrelated news, my head is still stuck, and I'm annoyed at a number of people I really have no right to be annoyed at. Meh.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fic Recs! Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the X-Men.

So, this started out intending to be recs, but then I started talking about X-Men, and uh...well, there are mutlifandom recs, if you want to skip my rambling: X-Men, Pirates of the Caribbean, Final Fantasy VII, Firefly, House.

Watching X-III (I can't write it X-3, it's too much like a demented smilie) rekindled my love of the X-Men in new and mildly horrifying ways. I mean, the movie made me froth at the mouth. Literally. I saw it twice, and spent most of both times raging. But, my rage drove me to go to the source so as to not have my mind tainted by the wrongness of the third movie. (I hate Professor X beyond words, no matter the universe, by the way.) I've been spending the last few weeks reading the comics- New X-Men, mostly, because I tried starting from the very beginning with the original series, and the X-Men of the sixties and seventies give me hives. And everything was all well and good and entertaining, until I got to the X-cutioner's Song story arc of New X-Men. And then I found Cable. Which was, actually, a lot like finding Jesus. ...G.I. Jesus, in fact. (Thank you, Sixpack.)

Anyway, finding Cable led me to Deadpool, also known as Wade Wilson, the Merc with a Mouth. He has his own 69 issue series. (Why I love Deadpool: he gets his own specially colored speech bubbles; he doesn't believe in the fourth wall, and the fourth wall doesn't believe in him; he's covered all over in hideously deforming scars (!!); he has cancer (!!!); he keeps a blind old lady for a pet, or he did in the Kelly run of his series; he's in a long-distance relationship with Death; he is, at times, so amazingly idealistic it hurts, and yet he remains a complete and utter mercenary, no matter what; he started a riot at his own funeral; he and Cable are totally boyfriends.) And through Deadpool, I came full circle to the Cable and Deadpool series, in which Cable tries to take over the world and Deadpool hangs around making snarky comments and fucking shit up. Occasionally he and Cable fuck shit up together. They're kind of forcibly stuck on the buddy system because of a tragic accident in the first few issues involving a couple of wonky viruses, a teleporter, and a church full of blue skinned hippies.

I can't quite say why I love Cable so much- he's your standard misunderstood messianic antihero, and he's a Summers. But I like him anyway, even if he's kind of a Gary Stu, and he was created by Liefield (known to many Marvel fans as He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named). His sense of humor entertains me to no end, and his angsty past intrigues me.

So, yes. Cable. My love for Cable led me to X-Force, the team he led back in the nineties, populated by criminals and misfits. Sadly, I haven't been able to find any X-Force. I mostly want to read it to get a better idea of the dynamic between Rictor and Shatterstar, because I'm pretty sure I've already read all the decent fic about them on the internet. (Rictor- Julio Richter- is Mexican, can start earthquakes with his fists, and spent a chunk of his childhood being used as a weapon by a terrorist group. Shatterstar is an alien from Mojoworld 100 years in the future, is very good at fucking shit up, and spent his entire life being a a gladiator for a TV audience. They fight crime! And go on roadtrips to Mexico. And are very nearly canonically gay for each other.) I'm also a little bit in love with Sam Guthrie, because he's made of pure, distilled adorable, and I'm more than passingly fond of Theresa O'Rourke as well.

I swear I'm not just reading X-Men for the opportunity to wear my slash goggles. The Kelly run of Deadpool is some amazing storytelling (full of crack, yes, but amazing), and the Palmiotti and Tieri runs are quite good in places, as well. The Priest run isn't worth reading, aside from the running gag about Tom Cruise, and other people seem to like Simone's work with the series, but I personally can't stand her.

Mostly, I read these things to be entertained; if I wanted good literature, I'd read Warren Ellis or Alan Moore. But Marvel comics in general were an important part of my childhood and I missed them. I have fifteen years of back issues to catch up on. I love comic books. I love them with a rather surprising intensity, for me.

I do, however, mostly read fic for the gay, because I'm still not familiar enough with the canon (the ridiculous, sprawling, multi-universed, ret-con-tastic canon) to appreciate much of anything else. So, a few recs:

Catalyst by Tangeriner. Longish, involved Ric/Shatterstar fic, taking place during some point in the canon which I know nothing about. Hilarious and poignant and all that other good stuff; also features a decent amount of Jamie Madrox, and really, you can't have too much Multiple Man. >.>

JB McDragon's Ric and Shatty page, including her three part "Contact" series, which gives me mild deja vu every time I read it- but only in that "Wait, I'm sure I've read this before" sense. (JB tends to revisit certain themes in her fic, across various fandoms- she's an amazingly talented writer, but this fact amuses me, regardless.)

Azurine's X-Men Fic, all of which is tasty and delicious. I'm especially fond of her Logan/Remy stuff, but she's also responsible for the infamous Spray Evenly Until Slightly Damp Ultimate Spiderman/Wolverine fic.

Jane St Claire's X-Men page, which is full of her fic and her collaborations with Te, all of which are pretty bloody amazing. There's movie and comic-verse stuff there, and I highly recommend all of it, especially the Ric/Shatterstar stuff and anything involving Rogue. (My next project: read GenX, so as to find out more about this "Chamber" fellow.)

A general X-Men thing that isn't exactly a fic:
Imaging the X-Men, a coffe table book by Jane St Claire. Pretty, pretty pictures. Of course, the movies have irreversably altered my preception of certain characters, but I like looking at pretty, pretty pictures, nonetheless.

A Reading from the Book of Mutants by evadne-noel. What if Mutants were a book in the Bible? It'd be awesome, that's what.

Things You're Not Supposed to See by navisx. Uh. Cable/Deadpool. Which, if you think about it too hard, probably will cause permanent scarring. This story is unashamedly cute, or as cute as a fully grown Cable and Deadpool can be.

And now, other things!
Pirates of the Caribbean

I've been on a Pirates of the Caribbean kick, too, though not because of the movie. The movie did, however, give me great cause for squeeing, even if it wasn't nearly what I wanted it to be.

Full Moon (1/2), Full Moon (2/2), Tides, Drowning (1/2), Drowning (2/2), Currents (1/2), Currents (2/2), by firesignwriter. Angsty Sparrington rendered awfully out of character and out of canon after the second movie, but we don't really care. Well written and tasty.

Pirate Vindaloo by hippiediva. A Sparrington novel, complete with illustrations. Occasionally not-worksafe illustrations. Rendered AU by the second movie, but brilliant with the characterizations and worldbuilding. Jack and Norrington get pressganged in Tortuga and end up sailing to India; they have to work together to get home. It's long and involved and it has a mostly happy ending (sue me, I like happy endings), and it's all around just a wonderful story.

The Loquacious Dead by cupiscent. Spoilers for PotC2 liek whoa. A bit of Norrington, a bit of Jack (just a bit), a bit of conversation.

Final Fantasy VII
Glass Slipper part 1 and part 2 by karose. This wrong. And yet so good. Potentially incredibly squicky Rude/Reno with lots of in depthy Turks things and the most awesome and wrong take on Cinderella in the history of anything. And it won't be finished until Friday, which makes me so amazingly sad, you've no idea.

Poetry by gunmetal song. Reno and Rude, being themselves.

Snakes on the Highwind by cendrillo. I think the title speaks for itself, honestly.

50 sentences, Barret/Cloud by firefly99. No, wait, before you run away screaming, hear me out. I feel as though I've recced this before, but I'm too lazy to check. Either way, it's good. If you ignore the way the pairing might give you cancer, it stands on its own as an excellent example of the proper use of run-on sentences. Seriously. This is one of my favorite 50 sentences sets ever.

A Trio of delicious drabbles by aphelion orion. Cloud/Leon, Cloud introspection, Vincent/Cloud.

Unchained Melody by Bonibaru. Jayne/Vera. ...Stop looking at me like that. Clearly Jayne's love for his guns is the only thing truly pure in his life. Also, I find it ironic that once, not so long ago, I found guns to be disgusting and terrible things. *sigh*

Deriving the Prime by rageprufrock. House/Cuddy/Wilson and a baby, and all of Pru's Housefic is awesome stuff, but this one is probably my favorite for obvious reasons.

I had other things, but now I'm getting bored so...that's all, forks.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Summer 06

Finally put together my Summer 06 mix; it's quite a bit different from last year's- which I still have to post a zip of. There's something like a story line to this, or at the very least, there's progression from one point to another. I may not have drawn the lines of the journey very well, but at least it's...uh...entertaining? Whatever. I like it. Not all the transitions are great, but it mostly works.

Have a zip. And have a tracklist:

Summer Solstice: It's all just twilight from here on out.
1. Poe- A Rose
This is the story of a girl.
Jezebel from Israel, who never read a book
She charmed the literati and a smile was all it took

2. Vertical Horizon- Everything You Want
Everyone loves her.
But I mean nothing to you and I don't know why
3. Nickel Creek- Beauty and the Mess
Except maybe herself.
Behind the melody the words don't mean a thing
Every tone I play will give what ever I've not said away
The rest, the rest is mine I guess the beauty and the mess- too high

4. Duncan Sheik- She Runs Away
And now she's leaving.
Happiness ain't never how you think it should be so
5. Nelly Furtado- I'm Like a Bird
To go on a quest!
I wanna fly away
6. Carbon Leaf- Life Less Ordinary
And she finds a romantic subplot!
Right away I do know why you stayed awake
I will keep tongue tied next time

7. Mike Doughty- Looking at the World from the Bottom of a Well
PSA: Never give up! Never surrender! Don't forget what you're looking for!'re not listening, are you?
I tried to lose that cloud that's blocking out the sun
...Lonely, and the only way to beat is to bat it down

8. The Brown Derbies (cover)- In Your Eyes
More romantic subplot.
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

9. Jason Mraz- O Lover
Sexy things happen.
What's the worst thing that could happen- we could change our minds?
...I know you've got something burning up inside
It's so unhealthy but so good for me

10. Morcheeba- Ten Men
Boy and girl on a whirlwind tour.
Come- you son of a gun- how can it be done?
We're still on the run

11. Counting Crows- Omaha
Until they hit Nebraska.
Hey mister if you're gonna walk on water
You know you're only gonna walk all over me

12. Jason Mraz- Chidlike Wildlife
But everyone has to grow up eventually.
Oh this childlike wildlife is flooring me
13. The Virginia Gentlemen (cover)- Insomniac
Girl leaves boy. Boy experiences transcendental angst. [/romantic subplot] (I love this song so much.)
I can hear your bare feet on the kitchen floor
I don't wanna have these dreams no more

15. Electric Six- Improper Dancing
Girl tries sex, drugs, and rock'n roll- for the next three tracks.
STOP. ...Continue!
16. Aqua- Cartoon Heroes (speedy mix)
17. Eccentric Opera- Electrical Parade
What the shit is she on?
18. Glen Phillips and John Mayer- Walk on the Ocean
After that last song, you all want to hurt me, I can tell. The questing continues! And maybe we're closer to finding whatever it is we were looking for.
This song is pretty angry-
We spotted the ocean

19. Masterplan- Sail On
Oh, right! The quest! She gets back on track, with a rockin' guitar riff.
Never shut your weary eyes
We're always tryin' to see the line-
Can you see it in your mind?

20. George Michael- Freedom 90
Girl figures out what she was looking for, and sails off into the sunset.
There's something else I gotta be
...All we have to do now
Is take these lies and make them true
All we have to see
Is that I don't belong to you and you don't belong to me

21. Thicke- Lazy Bones
It's summer, yo. Why're y'all working so hard? (We're all beautiful fuckups, and we all deserve a little better.)
Love is a killer, the leading cause of suicide-
How to survive a day in the life and times

Eheh. Okay, so last year's was a bit more palatable. I'll try to find the tracklist for it and post a zip to make up for this year's, which is kind of cracktastic and not especially summery in places.