April is National Poetry Month; in honor of that, here is an index of all the poetry I've posted to the blog.
Most of the verse I wrote prior to 2004 is absolute and utter crap- it's wangsty, stereotypical whiny teenager stuff. There are a few pieces here and there that I like, though- but for the most part, I wouldn't recommend reading any of it, especially the pieces from 2002. The things I wrote for my verse writing classes in 2004 and 2005 aren't half bad; I'm much better at writing decent verse for class than I am for myself.
09/06 (free thought: in erratis veritas)
7.06 (musings)
4.06 (easter sunday)
4.06 (easter bread)
4.06 (love poems)
2.06 (february, redux)
2.06 (now and then)
10.05 (funeral sestinet)
6.05 (musings on fireflies)
4.05 (polka dot slot machine)
4.05 (dreamscrape sestina)
3.05 (insomnia)
3.05 (february)
3.05 (hands)
3.05 (the death of elaine)
12.04 (blank verse narrative; miltonic inspiration)
12.04 (orion)
12.04 (i guess)
Villanelle draft 1 draft 2 draft 3
Childhood first drafts final draft
11.04 (narrative braindump)
11.04 (ache)
11.04 (orchestra sonnet)
Birthday Sonnet draft 1 draft 2
Death note poem draft 1 final draft
9.04 (attempted ekphrasis)
9.04 (emily dickinson imitation)
7.04 (word dump)
4.04 (imitative, light in darkness)
2.04 (3 imagist poems)
11.03 (be not ungentle)
11.03 (2 haiku)
10.03 (when you will be sleeping)
9.03 (the duck on the door)
6.03 (richard III)
6.03: Poetry generator poems 1 2
2.03 (ffiv)
2.03 (and look:)
1.03 (brought to you by the letter L)
1.03 (anything else)
12.02 (invocation of elements)
10/02 (just another girl)
9.02 (idol)
8.02 (hypertextual smile)
8.02 (livewire)
8.02 (should i cease?)
8.02 (lament)
7.02 (burn it down)
7.02 (nothing to say)
6.02 (lady of the lipgloss)
4.02 (and she screams)
3.02 (don't mess with me)
3.02 (late night haiku)
3.02 (late night blues)
3.02 (not much)
3.02 (sushi stupidity)
3/02 (dot dot dot)
2/02 (art museum)
2/02 (if i say what i say)
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