Monday, March 25, 2002

Y'know what amuses me to no end? (aside from singing nonsense songs and staring at the wall while slowly rocking, that is)

A girl says nothing
with more words than it takes
most to say something

A Haiku for you
Because I love you all so
Damn my head to hell

I shall kick the world
Laughing joyfully, happy
But I am not mad

I'm just tired and vaguely hysterical. Because I can really only be vague and hysterical. If I were concrete and hysterical I wouldn't be able to fall out of my chair laughing/crying. Because concrete doesn't move all that well, you know.
Besides, if I weren't vague, I'd have to actually think about why I was hysterical, and when I think about things, reason strikes, and then I'm not hysterical anymore.
Not that I'm hysterical right now. It's just late and I've been told repeatedly to turn off the damn (shiny) laptop and go to bed.

Connecticut, I love you. *smooch*

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