I seriously need to find out more about Pilot Candidate. There were some yummy yummy character designs there- those that didn't crack me up horribly, anyway. To see the concept of a school uniform brought so low- and on the boys, no less. I could understand if the female characters were wearing next to nothing, but for the boys to be wearing vests and speedos and not much else- it was just odd, especially for a mecha anime. I suppose a similar phenomenon happened with Heero's spandex in GW, but that was just one character. This is five characters, and I'm reasonably sure they were all within the 11-13 age bracket. Impossible to tell, of course, but....
It appeared to be a stereotypical post-apocalypse mecha type thing; the characters were standard fare with the plucky rebel, the mysterious silent one, the goofy one, the bookworm, and the sidekick, along with their female counterparts. But the concept seemed kind of neat, and the art was very pretty. And I'm a sucker for pretty art. Oh, I wish I had the Cartoon Network...*sigh* I'm a spoiled brat, but I've yet to get my parents to give in to this one request. *sniff* My grandma gets CN and I don't...*weeps for the umpteenth time over the unfairness of it all*
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