Monday, March 25, 2002

" hits the sky."
"And it blows up!"
"Did it, did it? Did the sky blow up?!"
"Nah, just chunks of it came raining down."
"Oh, damn."

"Ah, the sound of constant grenads raining down on them. Ooops. I almost hit the wall standing next to me, and that would have sucked. You know why? There would have been lots and lots of pain."

"What are you doing?
"Oh, I'm being radiated. But I've got my regeneration on, so sooner or later I should turn into a mutant."
"You can do that!?"

"Oh, damn, it's locked."
"So blow it up!"
"...It's made of steel."
"Blow it up anyway!"
"Dude, the only thing that can blow this up is a torpedo."
"They weigh like a ton. Not exactly the thing you carry around on your person at all times."
"That's no excuse. Blow it up!"

"I'm going to end your life in a shower of fiery fiery death. Why? Because my little sister requests it."
"Now lets put a mine right here, and one right here, and one right here..."

"No, you don't blow yourself up, dear."
"It was fiery fiery doom, though!"
"Be that as it may..."

"Can't you just shoot him in the head?"

"Whoa. My screen whited out. Too many explosives. And there's nothing left of him but a few- very few bloodstains."
"Was it fiery fiery?"
"Probably, but at the very least it was bright."

"Oh shit, too close to use a rocket launcher, too close to use a rocket launcher."
"The little bastards!
"Alright, got my machine gun out. Somehow they avoided all my traps. They will not avoid my machine gun...of doom."
"Heh. My machine gun is a machine gun of doom."

"I like having a stealth copter. Stealth copters are nifty. Come on, fly, copter, fly!"

"See, this guy, he like all of a sudden runs- like Jet Li in Legend. And he wears sunglasses at night. Badass."

"Did you hear them die?"
"Okay, I'll do it again."

"You know, dying is not the point here."
"Yeahyeah. Sh!"

"Is it burning?"
"Aw. Try harder!"

"Ahah he's on fire!"
"Whee! Wait, who's on fire?"
"Aw, they go out when they die."

"Okay, should I go in there with guns blazing, or should I be sneaky about it?"
"Sneaky sneaky doom!"
"Sneaky sneaky with an automatic weapon!"

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