Thursday, March 21, 2002

Ah, I have thought of something to talk about:
The majority of teenagers suffer from some form of low self esteem, or so I have noticed. Quite a few of them ought to be on medication of some sort and aren't, and others are like me: we have no problems, honest. We just like to whine a lot.

The thing with people who loudly declaim themselves in public, continuously going on and on and on about how much they suck at everything and have no talent, is that deep down inside, most of them know this is not true. (I'm making generalizations here, don't hit me over the head or anything. In all honesty I'm just talking about myself, as that's what I'm good at and what I enjoy doing. But this might apply to you, too.) They just need reassurance of this, they need their egos stroked.

So when I'm sitting around doodling and I suddenly say "Fuck, I can't draw to save my soul", it's usually because I want someone to tell me "Hey, that's not true. That looks pretty good." Because I (and many other people) am really just a quietly raving egomaniac and I feel the need for compliments and kind words. I know I'm not a half-bad artist; certainly I'm no where near professional, or even really good, but I can manage something beyond a stick figure. I also know that I'm not an awful writer, though I could certainly use a little work in that area- but I consistently put down my own work in the hope that someone will tell me I'm wrong.

Another tactic of those of us with "low self esteem" is to keep our (and everyone else's) expectations low. We make sure that no one expects our work to be good, and that way we earn even more praise when we do do well, thus stroking our egos like little love starved kittens. Also, this keeps people from getting too annoyed at us when we do actually screw up; we told them we sucked, didn't we? Case in point: When playing badminton, a person might say "Ah, I suck at this so much!" every single time the birdy even comes near said person, just so that they can feel proud and accomplished whenever they successfuly score a point, and have a legitimate excuse every time they really do mess up.

So you see, when I (or anyone else, really) start to whine about my lack of talent, it's because I would like someone to tell me that I'm wonderful and useful and talented and all those other good adjectives. It's also an indication that I need to be smacked upside the head for being stupid, because being a perfectionist and insisting upon being the best does not necessarily mean that one is utterly worthless just because one can't live up to one's own expectations.

*whispers* in other words, it's just a fucked up apple. i told you i was a bitch.

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