Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Okay, so I know I'm a little strange...but I really don't understand the appeal of soda or other carbonated beverages, or coffee, unless its espresso, and in that case, I'll have another cup, thank you. But I honestly just don't like soda or coffee (actions at RUn-a-MuC notwithstanding). I do like tea, but we only have decaff stuff in the house because caffeine, along with beef, real eggs, large quantities of salt, and ice cream, is on the list of things my dad is not allowed to eat. So what dad can't eat, the rest of us can't eat. I never liked eggs much anyway, and the only beef I really miss is beef stew, but the ice cream is just a travesty. We eat frozen yogurt instead, and there's just such a huge difference...but I digress.

I drink a lot of water- there's an office water cooler sitting in the corner of the kitchen with a stack of plastic cups on top of it. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread, I swear. I also drink chocolate soy milk, because I'm strange like that. (I heart tofu *cough*) Apple cider and grape juice make up the rest of my beverage consumption, along with the tea- I hate orange juice unless it's fresh squeezed.

I sort of drifted away from the point of all this, which is the fact that apple seeds are mildly poisonous, but I'm sure I've built up a resistance to them. I don't like to waste food, which may or may not have something to do with the fact that when I eat an apple, I eat the whole thing, seeds, pips, stem, and all. The only problem with eating the stem is that the fibers frequently get stuck between my teeth. :( Other people seem to find this strange, but I've been doing it for so long that it's second nature.

*cough* Well, I said I was a little strange...

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