Sunday, March 10, 2002

Hey, I also did some more work on part 10 of Boffo (go me, I bothered to link). I forgot to mention this before, and I feel like mentioning it because it amuses me: The reason the plot has turned out the way it has, with the angels and everything, is entirely and solely because of Dogma. Yes, the movie with Matt Damon and Ben Afleck and Alan Rickman (ssseksseee- all of 'em). Now, I loved the movie, don't get me wrong, not only because whatsername-Bethany insinuated that Loki and Bartelby were gay (oh, did I ever crack up at that point), nor because of all the delightful mockery of Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular, or because of the presence of Jay and Silent Bob; I loved it mostly because of Buddy Christ and the fact that Bethany put out the Metatron with a fire extinguisher.

So, what does all this have to do with Boffo? Well, a lot of the details in the movie were correct (Alanis Morriset as god, for instance)- *stops, looks at previous comment, and falls over* 'Kay, no idea where that came from, I'm sorry. I would delete it, but it amuses me. Right. Back to the details. Calling one of the Angels of Death Loki did bother me a little, but I do know that a lot of supposedly correct names of angels are pretty random- Rain, for instance. Guess what he's the angel of? Or Lucifer- that's one that will bother me forever. (More on that later, I suppose, as that's a rant for a whole 'nother time.) (Nnn, I realize I'm not making much sense, but bear with me.) So, while I know it is impossible for the makers of the movie to get all the details right because they conflict so much, there were one or two things that seriously got to me.

And the biggest thing that bothers me, and the reason for Boffo's plot's sudden sprouting of wings and haloes is this: In Dogma, the Metatron pulls down his pants to reveal quite definitively that he is genderless. (At an earlier point in the movie, Bartelby (I think) says, "If I had a dick, I'd get laid", which illustrates the same point, I suppose.) I first saw the movie after one of my Bible kicks, Genesis, to be specific. (Some of my previous Bible kicks: Revelations, Leviticus, Tobit, and Acts I and II.) To be even more specific, the part very near after the Fall of Humans where it talks about Nephilim. I can't remember chapter and verse, and quite frankly I'm too lazy to dig out my Bible and find it, but the gist of it was that the angels of heaven found the daughters of man pleasing to look upon and went down to the Earth and knew them...or something to that effect. And the results of their concourse were known as Nephilim.

According to the footnotes in my Bible, this was probably put in to explain the presence of giants like Goliath later on. Seemed rather blasphemous to me at the time; insinuating that morons like Goliath were the result of angelic interference. Anyway, I do know perfectly well that there are a lot of conflicting opinions on the matter, and I mean no offense to anyone, this is just my particular take on, with the obvious conflict between Dogma and my Bible on my mind, I got to thinking, what if the daughters of heaven found the sons of man pleasing to look upon? I mean, hey, it's an equal opportunity world we live in here. And thus, Radueriel, Jubal, and Opal all suddenly had pasts and histories and a few more motivations than they did before.

Ta-daa! Now you know, and you probably didn't even want to, and chances are I've either offended or confused you at some point over the past few paragraphs. A thousand apologies, really.

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