Sunday, March 03, 2002

Monday's Wash. Dude. I've got it.

Okay, so I don't normally think of Boffo in terms of an anime, although I suppose that's what it's supposed to be. It isn't really, though. I actually have a very hard time picturing my own characters- I'm not much of a visual person, I guess- I go more for listening, really. But sometimes I can picture scenes and places and background music- battle scenes most often, things that I don't have the words to describe properly, sometimes something as mundane and out of this world as a simple sunset- I get flashes of visual inspiration.

One of the problems with Boffo's ending is that it takes too much to wrap up all the loose ends and do what I want to it. I would need three separate epilogues to do what I really want to do. But, if Boffo were some sort of film, I know exactly what the very final scene would be: Dei, in a coffee bar, playing Monday's Wash on the piano while the credits rolled. It's just so perfectly inconcruous that it works. *cackles to self*

No, now that I think of it, a better ending scene would just be a single black feather, drifting on the wind, with Opal's theme playing in the background. (It's either 'A Day Without Rain' by Enya or the last track on 'Surfacing' from Sarah Maclachlan- I think. Not sure, it might change.) But I like the Dei and Monday's Wash thing. See, my endings are always too busy. I can't be fricken profound when I've got too much to say, you know? Hm.

I need to work on this. At least I've started part ten- Cowboy Bebop is a wonderful, wonderful thing. 'In The Rain', in addition to being an excellent song to commit suicide to (admittedly it would have to be done with a gun, and I despise guns, but other than that it's perfect- you pull the trigger on the final chord, and the camera cuts to the wall so that all the viewer can see is the splatter of blood and the silhouette of the body on the wall- in a church or similarly old building, of course), it's also Tyler's theme in the latter part of the story. The only problem is that I'm running out of sayings that have the word 'fall' in them; I'm going to have to resort to Latin from now on. *sigh* And that stupid house- *kicks house* It's going to drive me crazy, I swear. I wish I could draw scenery, just to get some sort of idea, but I can't, and it's frustrating. The closest I can come to is something like a cross between Oheka and the White House, and that's not right at all. *double sigh* It's late and I might have school tomorrow. I still haven't decided.

Regardless, I ought to get off the computer.

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