Monday, December 09, 2002

Screw destiny. I'll do whatever the fuck I want, and if whatever aspect of fate has decided to wrap her claws around my life doesn't quit it with the nudging I swear I'll find some way to strangle the bitch. Yes, I am fine, and no I am not explaining myself. Piss off.

Also, I have made Adobe and all its products my mortal enemy. They will suffer, and then die a horrible death involving beeswax and broken sporks.

When trying to print out her application materials, she suddenly realized that there was no black ink. As if to add insult to injury, the printer claimed that the document could not be printed. For a moment, there was a terrible silence. Multitudes of small animals were seen fleeing the area around her home, and small children suddenly sat up in bed, cowering with fear. People were seen running, screaming "Duck and cover" ten miles away, for such was the extent of her raging.

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