Monday, December 16, 2002

I really wanna write a dancer fic...mostly because my dancer skin keeps getting pulled on "Wishful Thinking". Final Fantasy Tactics is definitely one of the best inspirations for random names and even more random ficthwaps.

Due to the wonderfulness of the game, I think I've found a new webcomic to stalk. There are archers in drag. Beware. And a knight who looks like a badass cross between Vash and...uh...*blinkblink* Yeah. It is, in fact, ridiculously, hilariously slashy. Molotov Cocktail.

A working knowledge of the game would be in order to understand why it's so damn funny, but hey- if you don't know the game, you should. Because it's nifty. And because Ramza is just so darned cute in his paltry attempts to save the world. And because when they say evil, they mean evil. As in "Wow, they're really evil, look at that one stab his best friend, his girlfriend, his wife, and his countrymen in the back. And look at those ones try to kill your sister over and over again- oh, now they're just trying to revive the devil and take over the world. Evil." And because- well, it's just a really good game, awful translation notwithstanding. (By awful, we mean godawfulwhattheforkdidhejustsay?!) I'd have the same inclinations towards ficcing it that I do with VII, if it weren't for the ending...

Actually, you don't really need any knowledge of the game to find it amusing. Game knowsits just makes it even more amusing. ...licking batteries, indeed...

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