Wednesday, December 11, 2002

How on earth did it get to be December 11 all of a sudden? I don't believe it. *sniff* It's still really October, right? Right?
...*crickets chirp*

G'ah. Leave me be- I am comfortable in denial. It's much warmer than de Raritan, and...yes, I should be beaten severely for making that joke.

(I really ought to resist the urge to talk about music, but I can't help it...) I want to hate Avril Lavigne for singing "S8ter Boi" and "Complicated", but "I'm with you" almost makes up for it. Damn! I hate it when this happens. It's just a very nice, winter melancholy song, and part of me loves it 'cuz it's purdy, while part of me hates it 'cuz it's Avril Lavigne. A dillema...

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