Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Hey, look, winamp wants me to write fanfiction for obscure games from the early/mid '90s! It pulled Setzer (that's Setzer, not Lorraine, doofus, and I can't believe no one catches the reference, it makes me feel like such a middle skool dork...not even old skool *sniffle*) on Blue...and if that doesn't feel like it's asking for a fic, I don't know what is.

Sorry winamp. I don't do fanfic. It never goes well. (Meaning that I can't write other people's characters. I can barely write my own and keep them in character. *_* Then again, if I didn't ignore my stories for several months on end, I might have an easier time of it...)

Oh, KE, the song is called "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" sung by Mai Yamane from the Cowboy Bebop Movie of the same can try to download it from Morpheus, or you can find it in the music section at The Jazz Messengers (my new favorite site) under the downloads section in the music library. Scroll allaway down. It's a sort of bluesy jazz-ish thing and Mai Yamane sounds like she was gargling gravel prior to singing...but she always sounds like that. (Gravel or no, I still want her voice. Or Aoi Tada's voice. Maybe Steve Conte's, but only to keep in a box. I'd be rather silly, singing with Steve Conte's voice, now wouldn't I? I'd sound rather silly with Mai Yamane's voice too, come to think of it...)

Hope the psych paper didn't cause your head to explode...that would be messy, and it would make me very sad. ;_; No exploding heads allowed. I'll inflict an excess of very random smilies on you. ~..~ (squinty) o| (cyclops with a monocle) >:?| (large nose)

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