Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Oh- saw Brotherhood of the Wolf over the weekend. Had wanted to see it in theatres, now wish I had even more. That opening fight scene with the gypsies and the locals in the rain? Kickass.

Of course, after the Beast showed up, it all went rather campily downhill fairly swiftly. However, Mani, Fronsac and the googly eyed Marquis and the twisted, evil, (yet strangely alluring) rat bastard, wotsisname were all excellent characters. Even the girl was tolerable. Best parts of the movie? The fact that they spoke in French, of course. And the fight in the rain. When Fronsac went native of the thieves was pretty damn cool, too. The scene in the chapel, the scene in the brothel with the fortuneteller (I want her fan. No, really.) and the crazy dreams, the scene after the scene in the chapel. Not the fight in the chapel- or at least, not the duel. The rest of the fight was pretty good.

Gotta love a pointless and slightly silly occult action flik. It took itself just a little too seriously, though...except for the bit with the trout. :)

Also saw Treasure Planet. GO SEE TREASURE PLANET. NOW, MINIONS, NOW! Damn Disney and their evil, wonderful animation ways. Even the rather random Johnny Rzeznik musical interlude didn't detract from the overall movie (don't get me wrong, I like some of the GooGoo Dolls stuff- don't love it, but I like it. That song just didn't fit, though. It irritated me.) The horrible sacharine opening was a bit over the top, but otherwise it was great. And aside from the Rzeznik interlude, the rest of the soundtrack was all energetic and sea-shanty like, full of fiddles and harmonicas and other nifty things. Loved the music.

The animation was very pretty, though I had issues with the noses...eh. Otherwise, the CG and 2d stuff was reasonably seamless, 'cept for a few iffy spots, and when Disney animates a space pirate battle, they go all out. (Space pirates! Come on, how can you not love it?) Plotwise, it was all taken from Treasure Island, though Morphy definitely would've kicked any parrot's ass, hands down. Background-wise, it was pure fluff, but it was pretty fluff, and damn if the idea of those solar ships wasn't just nifty.

And hey, at one point a character says "Blast it Jim, I'm an astronomer, not a doctor!" at which point Bo and I burst into hysterical laughter. For a very long time. We were the only ones. *sad* So go see it, so you, too, can cackle like a hysterical old skool Trekker! (Not that I would actually qualify as such, sadly, but hey, we all have our hopes, dreams and ambitions...mine just happen to be a little bit closer to space than most.)

And Martin Short was the voice of BEN "A mind is a terrible thing to lose" the robot. GO NOW. SEE MOVIE.

"Oooh, he's a rebel."
"Yep, you can tell 'cuz of the hair."
"Right, 'cuz a ponytail, that's like, the serfs against the Romans, or the Boston Tea Party. Wow. What defiance!"

(Space pirates!)

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