Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Because I suddenly suffered a flashback to RUMUN 2001, complete with Orphan Sporks and longing glances and guitars in the lobby and suspicious Mexican sandwiches, I am now downloading Bloody Sunday, by U2. Because the soloist's voice cracked during the refrain, and it was the last song they sang, and I was an idiot then but am less of an idiot now.

I'll be your golden idol goddess
If you sacrifice your heart
Even though I couldn't care less
Worship on your knees, little man
Only the worthy will pass my test.

I'll be your pagan devil deity
You can beg me for your soul
No matter what, you'll never be free of me
I've got you in my claws, little man
Is this the punishment you want for eternity?

I've gotta stop it with the disturbing Satanic imagery, I really do...*snort* Eh, well. They say poetry (even bad poetry) sheds a light on the soul...hn.

I've got so much random work to do...:( I'm lazy. Horribly lazy. I'll get around to fixing up some of these things eventually- turn them into not-quite-so-bad pieces of poetry, maybe.

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