Monday, April 08, 2002

Yay. The stress is almost over. I just have to make up a bibliography. Rejoice, would you? 'Twould make me happy, and since I'm dead tired falling over exhausted to the point where even Job noticed, being happy is about all that's keeping me awake. Must...not..stay up...'til...two again...*falls over*
But I want to so badly...
And scribble is being a bitch. Be my bitch, dammit! Mine! I wanna journal properly...

In other news, I have a book. I have many books, but now I have a funny book courtesy Kristen, and it is Good. There are Twinkies. And the Muffler Man. It is good. *happy dance*

Hey, guess what, all? I'm gonna move to New York and apprentice myself to a starving artist, so I can be sure I get it right! Whaaat?

And Livejournal is being a bitch, too. Stupid bitch. Hn.

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