Wednesday, April 10, 2002

And I also give you art:
Foxy, Blaine, Silver, and Lucky. Geez, I think I need to rename some of these characters...they sound like a bunch of poodles. Here Lucky! C'mon Silver! The two sketches of Silverlock are crap, so here's a much better one. Without arms and legs, of course. Without a shirt, too, but with the collar. And I'm fairly sure he's got at least six more tattoos, but I couldn't figure out what they looked like, so that's all he's got.

I can't believe I created a whole race with a bondage fetish...oi. I didn't mean to at the time, honest! But Silverlock really does look rather freaky-scary, and he's a royal pain in the ass to draw. hn. Still can't figure out what he does with his hair...

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