Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Boffo-esque Babble:
Will there be a sequel when (if) I finish it?
Well...no. Once the story is done, it's done, and the only thing I might be able to write about will be Dei, and honestly, he doesn't do anything that interesting afterwards. He acquires a significant other and the live a happy eternity alternating between New York, Paris, somewhere in Canada, and San Francisco. Opal and Tyler spawn a couple of brats, who may or may not be interesting, but they probably aren't. *shrug* I, personally, am just not that interested in what happens to any of my characters afterwards. I hate to spoil the ending, but it will be a happy one. Reasonably happy, anyway. As happy as these things get...

I won't do a sequel, but I may do a prequel; I would like to write Jubal and Radueriel's story, and the angels' story. It'll be my attempt at writing political tension and backstabbing and all that other jazz. I've created another monster with this one- how do you document the history of creatures so old they've watched galaxies spawn? And then there's that whole non-linear time thing to deal with, too...meh. Needless to say, when I finish Boffo, it'll probably be a while before I do anything more with it beyond revising; I'll need a break.

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