Monday, November 15, 2004


All we do is ache for the chance
Of one last embrace in the falling starlight
One last eternity in the neverending
circle of your arms
One last chance to trace
with lips and tongue the scars
where tears once fell
and to look through the stained
glass windows of your soul out onto
the lush mystery they conceal
if our desire is not enough
to rekindle the spark of life
in your frail and broken body
then take our own lives as your own
take our dreams to color your cheeks
take our breath to bring dew to your mouth
take our hearts to give rythym to your dancing
take our souls to give life to your song
all we ask is one last embrace
and one more starry kiss
and to once again feel the warmth
of your skin.

I wrote this a long, long time sort sounds like Theron, but it's a little too sentimental. I'm losing my grip on his character, which is annoying; he can't be completely evil if Brenon loves him as much as he does.

The thing about Brenon is that he doesn't feel anything sexual for Theron- and Theron assumes otherwise because of his mother. (Oh, his mother.) What Brenon feels for Theron is just an intense desire to be as close to him as possible- it's the desire to slip inside someone else's skin and stay there, wrapped around them. It's a desire to be someone else, to an extent, but it's also a need to protect and nurture. Brenon would sooner chew his own arm off than let anything happen to Theron, which is why he snaps a little when Theron leaves...

Why is he so obsessed with the bastard? Damned if I know- it was something like love at first sight. Only it's not love in the conventional sense- it's one of those ideal sort of loves that the Greeks pratted on about.

It's a little creepy, yes. (Not that I know anything about what that actually feels like... *coughingfit*)

Those three iambic lines in the center- "last chance to trace.... the scars...where tears once fell" spent a very long time walking around in my head, waiting very impatiently to be written down. They still show up from time to time; it's one of my favorite quasi-erotic images. I can't remember if I'd posted this before, you see, so if I have, then I'm just posting it again.

It pleases me, despite the fact that it's old and has no particular meter. (Verse writing has spoiled me for writing random stream of consciousness things.)

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