Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I think I have a harder time writing about purely inanimate things that I used to; poems about scenery and seasons passing don't come as easily to me as poetry about people. Not a particularly useful thing for imagist poems, as people aren't as static as wheelbarrows nor as easy to capture in a single moment, I suppose. So: three imagist poems for English 200. I'm only going to use one for class, probably "Home," it being the one that requires the least explanation. (The hallway at 7:15 really is a spectacular sight, though. If you're a minute early or a minute late, you'll miss it but the sun hits the window just so and the entire corridor is blinding.)

The glitter in her
The glow in her
Placed there by the
sharp and sweet
of forbidden

7:15 AM
The sun through the window at the end of the hall
A world drenched in gold.

The teakettle hissing at the cat
Who sleeps belly up
like the fish we had for dinner
Is blue and dappled
with flecks of rust.

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