Saturday, November 08, 2003

Woo! I hate being a girl! *happy dance*

No, there was no sarcasm there. Nor was there sarcasm in that statement.

I'll have to see if I can't see the moon from the window; it's feckin' cold outside, but I want to see the eclipse.

The Renfaire was fun; I seriously want to take fencing next year, but my tuesdays and thursdays are crazy busy right now...I need to fix up my schedule again. Didn't get much work done, though I did get some knitting done. Now I'm watching YuGiOh and resting my knee, which has developed a lump in it the size of a walnut. Rather painful and mysterious and not at all happy.

I've decided that Virgil was a pirate, before he met Trent. Inigo is a stolen ship...and while she's not the most seaworthy of tubs, her owner still wants her back. It's the principle of the thing, you know.

Mordecai Levine saved Virgil when he would have drowned back when it was still raining; he was fifteen then, and Mordecai took him on as an apprentice of sorts. Mordecai isn't the villain of the story- or rather, he's not the main villain. He's just Virgil's nemesis, and will show up later on in the story.

The actual villain is Hagar Rhoswyn...Trent's mother. Well, she's one of the main villains, anyway.

Not sure which of 'em has ninjas at their disoposal...I know pirates and ninjas hate each other, but Mordecai is just crazy enough to send ninjas after Virgil. Hagar would just send black helicopters after Trent, since this is really the X-Files and all.

...Virgil would make a really crappy Gillian Andersen. And Trent just doesn't quite work as David Duchovny, I'm afraid.

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