Thursday, November 06, 2003

Feck, it's late. I have class at 8:30 tomorrow. Feck, feck, feck.

You know what's great? Having a main character who's pscho. Seriously. It's great. Just like last year's monologue thingies, I now have Trent's journal entries as filler between scenes. He makes a surprisingly lucid child. He isn't really any particular age when he's a child; it varies. Sometimes he's as young as six, sometimes he's somewhat more mature. Child Trent knows everything the other Trents know, of course; he just isn't aware that he knows these things. So Child Trent had to be taught to read, but once he learned, he progressed at a remarkable pace. This is partly because most of his alters are crazy smart, and because the other alters already know how to read. Child Trent does not speak with the other alters or the base personality; there's a possibility that he is the base personality. Psycho Trent and Goofy Trent speak to each other occasionally; Pscho Trent and Goofy Trent trade information with Child Trent, but Child Trent isn't aware of this.

It's complicated. I think it gets sorted out in the end...but I'm not so sure at this point.

Here's a quick excerpt, though:

My name is Trent Rhosywn. I am five feet and six inches tall, and Virgil says that’s really short. I’m the shortest person I know, so that must be true. I’m taller than I used to be, though. I used to be only three feet and nine inches tall, but Virgil says that was a really long time ago, even though I don’t really remember.

Virgil is my best friend in the whole world. He’s the nicest, smartest, coolest person ever, nicer even than mom was.

I miss my mom. She had long blond hair. Virgil has blond hair too, and so do I, but Virgil’s hair is more orange-y. He hates it when I play with his hair, but it’s fuzzy and fun to rub. Sometimes Virgil will hit me when I play with his hair, but most of the time he just gives me a funny look and gets really grumpy for a while.

Isn't he adorable in a slightly creepy sort of way? It's fun writing like that...and it fills up the word count while I try to figure out what the hell is up with the plot.

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