Thursday, June 12, 2003

Open canvans feels like cheating, it really does. *splees* such a lovely, lovely way to color things, such a lovely, lovely way to sketch things...photoshop, you suck. Give me free non-english speaking primitive programs any day over your silly special brushes and useless filters!

Mmm, swooshy.

My right shoe is covered in writing. "My shoe is the greatest shoe there ever was." It's actually rather grungy, but that's okay. Buncha people signed it, too. Forced me to contort into all sorts of odd positions, most of them not particularly kind to my knee. Still. My shoe has shoe signatures on it. That makes me happy. :)

How bizarre.

It's very difficult to find a shading model to use for what I want to do...I may just stick a mirror next to my computer and shine a flashlight at my face; anybody know an easy way to figure out how to do an upward facing light source? I can't quite get the hang of instead of the serious Setzer pic I started, I have these. First one's a random swooshy thing, the other's a sketch of Tana the half-vampire demoness albino. Don't poke her with a stick; she bites. Doesn't like men much, tends to be rather snarky and vaguely Amazon-like. Kinda scary. She amuses me, though, and is somewhat fun to draw.

Mmm, lightning. Maybe I'll study for calculus soon.

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