Monday, June 23, 2003

Finished Lirael this morning (read: 3 AM). Must find bookstore and buy Abhorsen before head falls off. 0_0

Mmm, Garth Nix, I'm sure that's a pen name but I'll forgive you because damn that was a good book. A filler book, but a good filler book. Sabriel was good, this one was good, Abhorsen will be better. I can feel it.

Prince Sam was just irritating. I'm suffering from an overload of irritating teenage males in my books lately; I'm almost afraid to pick up Only Begotten Daughter again for fear of having to face yet another shallow, angsty, irritating character. Stupid boys. *sigh* Lirael herself, on the other hand, was delightful. So's the Disreputable Bitch (if you're feeling technical). Mogget makes a return, and Mogget is always cool...I just wish Sabriel and Touchstone could have had bigger parts, but hey, s'okay.

The plot twist about Lirael's father was a bit obvious- not overly so, but I'm rather slow when it comes to these things. I always have to read ahead and spoil things for myself, 'cause otherwise I'd never figure anything out. *sigh* I r slo. Ah, well. Overall, I'm delighted with the whole book, even if there is quite a bit of angst. Garth Nix subscribes to the quit-feeling-sorry-for-yourself-you-silly-brat method of dealing with his characters, usually in the form of a whenever someone started angsting too much, Mogget or Dog would bite them. I wholeheartedly approve. ;P

Must read next book, and soon...

...Right, why do I have Omaha on my playlist? It's only going to make me cry. Stupid Counting Crows and their stupid meaningful lyrics. *sulks*

It is a pretty song, though...

1 comment:

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