Monday, June 23, 2003

Feelin' antsy for a new layout...must work on this.

Started coloring Setzer pic. Stupid albino and his stupid colorlessness. Stupid. Have to figure out how to do all sorts of niggly little details, and I hate niggly little details, because they're little. And niggly.

Don't even ask what that means. I haven't got a clue. All I know is that I don't wanna paint the trim on his stupid coat or the stupid card in his hand. Stupider.

Am finally pleased with how the shading of his face came out, though. Black on half transparency so I can get a nice, even shade of gray everywhere...Open Canvas is wonderful. Wish I could find the link I downloaded it from, but I'm sure you can just type it into a search engine and find it like that. It's free. And primitive. And lovely and paint-like. Huzzah.

Wearing little hoop earrings right now...the temptation to string beads from 'em is very strong, but if I take 'em off, me ears'll hurt like nobody's business. So they can stay right where they are for now, and wait until I'm better prepared for a random craft project.

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