Sunday, June 22, 2003

Book Review!

Harry Potter? Oh, dear.

It's a very easy read, until about the 700th page, at which point you realize that the last four hours of your life were completely wasted, because absolutely nothing happens. The first umpteen pages were just a setup for the last hundred of battle scene.

Now, it was a very cool battle scene, but totally not worth the pages and pages of filler it took to get there.

Also, the Three and the other students are all very realistic teenagers. That is to say, they're infuriating and nonsensical and altogether annoying and unsympathetic. Harry, Ron, and Hermione have only managed to reinforce my dislike of teenagers further. Cho, too. She disappointed me a great deal. The problem is, it's understandable and realistic, and that annoys me. I don't want to sympathize when she's being irritating.

Hermione kicked ass, though. And Ginny has a personality.

I still love Snape, but I'm vaguely annoyed with him. (Read: severely pissed off.) Remus needed more pagetime. Tonks kicked amazing amounts of ass, also needed more pagetime. Malfoy and Co are beyond redemption. *gleeful* Two dimensional evil! I am vindicated! Sirius...I'll always love Sirius. Dumbledore needed to be smacked. Repeatedly. With a stick.

Luna Lovegood was wonderful, even if she was just a plot device. Loved her, she was great. McGonigal was great. Umbridge was fucking psycho. *shiver* Nucking Futs, she was.

Aside from the hundreds of pages of filler angst and mayhem and the *******SPOILERSPOILERSPOILER****** fucking plothole from hell and the death of *****SPOILER******, I enjoyed it. But those are two very big spoilers that will remain censored until more people read the book.

So many people are gonna be so pissed at Rowling for this one, though. Oh, so pissed.

The plot was disappointing, the characters were irritating and largely unsympathetic, the writing is still sub-par (if I see another weak adverb, I'll rend something), and most of it was pointless, but it was reasonably enjoyable, if only because it's Harry Potter, the marketing miracle. *sigh* At least the cover is pretty. It honestly wasn't that great of a book, but it's the fifth in the series so I've grown attached to the characters (even if Harry did become a little bitch during parts of it...) and don't really want to stop reading about them.

But oh, you screaming fangirls, you...all those fics just went AU on you...*snicker* I'm predicting mayhem, oh the mayhem...*glee*

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