Sunday, June 29, 2003

Four sketchy character sheet things up in deviantart. The only four characters in The Revolution Is Over with personalities; the only other character with a name is some random dude named Kyle, who isn't very interesting at this point.

I dunno, I feel like giving this idea a make-over of some sort...

So, it's Meg, Marc, Ghost, and Spots. Meg's got a tragic past that drove her to blowing shit up, Spots got tired of being owned by the company, Ghost used to have a body but she was killed and uploaded into a little black box that Meg carries around and Marc...Marc just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, poor baby. He's a strict pacifist and a Vegan, he works at a soup kitchen when not on the job, and he talks to his bonsai tree. It has yet to talk back, but he's still trying. And now he's a member of a rather violent terrorist group in the process of overthrowing the government.

Say it with me now...D'oi! If he weren't such a sucker for Meg's helpless female act, he wouldn't be in this mess. So it's his own fault for being chivalrous. And sexy. Because Meg probably wouldn't have asked him for help if her first reaction hadn't been "Damn...!"

Meg got a haircut and a scarf and a tattoo; she's more or less the same person, though, if a little more bitter and angry. Marc is actually drawn with some amount of skill this time (I took down all my old Revolution stuff on veradicere, so just take my word for it- it was rather awful) and has a slightly new haircut, a goatee, a new tattoo, and an Om on his t-shirt that wasn't there before. He's a hippy. Pat him on the head and tell him to stop trying so hard. Ghost is even more spastic than she used to be, but she used to just be a floating head. No idea why she's wearing that crackheaded ballerina get-up, but she's not really all there anymore, if ya know what I mean...And Spots looks ten years younger than he used to, is even angrier and more bitter than Meg, and has achieved the status of non-human, hence the barcode. I rather like his random tattoo, though...but his uniform is still retarded. All HavenSec personnel shall henceforth be referred to as "Bumblebees". Useful, I guess.

They're the good guys, those four. Kind of. Not really. Almost. Well, whatever. All's fair in love and terrorism, right?

1 comment:

Julia said...

Pleasantly surprised by the discovery of your site so pretty and so original, everything is well designed and very beautiful with a lot of choice, it is a wonder !!

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