Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Naruto Pr0n. *cough*

(pointless blather, and some crispy fried pr0ns.)
So, latest chapters of Naruto, and stuff. People keep saying that Gaara is dead, blahdeblah. I honestly don't think he is; it would be a remarkably bad move on Kishimoto's part to remove him from the plot this soon.

Mostly this is because he has so much potential to be really frickin' awesome, and this is a shounen manga- it's all about people being really frickin' awesome. But it's also because Naruto promised he would rescue Gaara, and I think it's important to Naruto's character development that he actually succeed in saving him.

There are too many parallels between the promise he made to Sakura and the promise he made to Temari and Kankurou for him to fail, if you ask me. And the fact that Gaara hasn't had people in his life like Naruto did keeps getting stressed, over and over- but at the same time, the actions of the village and his siblings proves that this really isn't true anymore. He has to survive so that the next time Kishimoto decides to compare him to Naruto, he can have a little panel full of little people standing around him, just like Naruto does. (And because yes, I am in denial. Leave me alone.)

And now I give you your moment of Blindsided- now with half the plot and 30% more porn!

(No, seriously. That whole discussion up there was just to keep my sad, sad attempts at porniness from showing up at the top of my flist.)
When Naruto opened the door to his apartment, he was expecting a number of things, most of them perfectly mundane- what he was not expecting was the sight of Gaara pinning Sasuke's wrists to the wall with tendrils of sand.

The sand was going to leave chafe marks, Naruto noted. And, given that Sasuke was wearing short sleeves these days, those marks would probably be more visible than the ones Gaara was leaving on his neck. Stupid high-collared shirts.

Then Sasuke made a noise halfway between a gasp and a whimper, and Naruto wondered why he was thinking about wrists when Gaara had one hand down Sasuke's pants and the other tangled in his hair to force his head back. There was already a line of lurid red marks circling that exposed, pale neck; Gaara pulled away a little to survey his handiwork, then leaned forward to capture Sasuke's already kiss-swollen lips with his own.

The noise Sasuke made in response to that was halfway between a moan and pure sex, and Naruto was starting to feel distincly light-headed.

It was at that point that he realized his apartment was on fire- literally. The couch was smouldering and the coffee table was smashed into kindling; there was smoke pouring from no less than three of the numerous holes in the walls.

I'm going to kill them both. I'm going to kill them both so hard, it won't even be funny.

In the back of his head, the Kyuubi woke up briefly. I think it's hilarious.

Shut up, you.

(And now you all know exactly why I am writing this stupid story. FATALITY.)


Anonymous said...

Well, /I/ already knew. Can I get a prize? Or candy? I like candy.

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