Sunday, June 19, 2005

Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

I shouldn't feel the need to respond to comments left on entries made in September by a person who found the blog searching for something that isn't here. Shouldn't. Person who left the comment will probably never return here, thus negating any point in my making a rebuttal. (Could leave a comment on commenter's devart page, but that would be excessive, and I don't want to risk starting anything with a random person who didn't even mean to find the blog.)

(I've been getting comments left by random people more frequently these days- it's a strange and delightful thing, though it does make me feel slightly self conscious, and makes me wonder where all of you are coming from.) (Which is silly of me to wonder, since I've got the tracker for a reason.)

Anyway. The comment was on my one post on Hellsing yaoi, and how it makes no sense whatsoever- and I still hold that it doesn't, because even if Alucard and Anderson didn't read as completely asexual to me (which, I will admit, is simply a matter of my own perception), Anderson simply wouldn't allow it. My objections to the pairing lie mostly in the fact that, no matter how much Alucard may enjoy screwing with people's heads, Anderson is a religious fanatic hellbent (pardon the pun) on destroying everything that Alucard is. The key word there is "fanatic." You can't force a crisis of faith on a robot, which is essentially what Anderson is- so I can't see that Alucard would get any satisfaction out of screwing him if he were only doing it to screw with his head. Anderson wouldn't react- nothing Alucard could do to him would come as a surprise. And Alcuard would have to catch him first, which would be rather difficult since Anderson is a regenerating psychopath with lots of knives and no reason whatsoever to cooperate.

*sigh* I think I'm so bothered because the comment was slightly rude, came completely out of left field (I wrote that post months ago, and the date was very clearly right above it- I know Google links to the archives, but still), and misinterpreted my entry (to a point- the basic gist of it was pretty clear). I mostly only wrote that post because of the bizarre number of Alucard/Anderson fluff fics- since I generally find stories that create a pairing solely for the purpose of doing violence to one of the characters in it to be incredibly distasteful and not worth commenting on even to complain about. Personal preference- I like fluff, so long as it makes sense (says the girl writing Naruto crack and angst, ahaha hypocrisy is so delicious it is like pie).

Meh. Occasionally I am left bewildered by the universe.

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