Saturday, June 25, 2005

blahbity blah, and delayed reaction

SONYA. That was not funny.

...okay, yes it was. But my angst is like, totally better than Vanyel's angst, like hands down. Completely. Don't make me go kyree on you. XP

*sigh* But it looks like I'm going to have to get back in the habit of rhyming. Meh. I guess, when all else fails, I can quote Dr Seuss.

Because, really- "Would you, could you, with a goat?" (And this is where I pimp Found Objects, because I have decided that everything is Jeff's fault, and I do rather hope he starts updating again.)

Other things to pimp- if you have not watched House, MD, I suggest you start watching it. Yes, the medicine is of dubious nature, but the snark is unmatched, and once you get past the fact that Cameron is delusional, Chase is evil and repressed, and Foreman is the only sane and mature person there, you can enjoy the way House and Wilson interact (because they are so cutely dysfunctional, it hurts). Also, there's leprosy. Can't go wrong with leprosy. Lepers are like proto-zombies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! If all else fails bad rhymes are inherently funny, but I'm sure you'll do great.
