Wednesday, December 31, 2003

One thing lying awake at three in the morning is good for is stirring up the muses. Setzer, put the top hat down.

I seem to only get fanfic ideas for the games that I swore I hated with a passion; Setzer and the crackheaded FFVI fic have been consuming my sooooouuuul...and now I've got a Sorceress!Selphie and a schizophrenic Squall as a result of my replaying of FFVIII.

I think VIII could have been one of my absolute favorite games if it weren't for Rinoa and the complete and utter out-of-characterness of Squall as soon as you hit the end of the second disk. The boy's not gonna go from a depressive, sulky, talks-to-himself-more-than-is-healthy freak who hates the world to some sort of gung-ho hero who's madly in love with the annoyingly cheerful love interest in the half minute it takes for him to realize Rinoa isn't waking up.

Rinoa so should've died when her life support ran out. Would've made the plot much more interesting. But since she survived, it allows for all sorts of interesting theories on Rinoa-as-Ultimecia, which almost redeems her as a character. I mean, Ultimecia does have those crazy wings...and Rinoa inherited her powers from Edea. Plus Rinoa says something along the lines of "I wish things could be like this forever..." on the 'Rok, which could be construed as the beginning of her desire for time compression.

I rather like the thought of a completely nucking futs Rinoa. It leaves Squall that much more completely screwed up.

Really, the minor characters are the only reason I've decided to like the game; Irvine is a ditz, but he's a sniper so I'll forgive him for his excessive use of the world 'like'. Selphie is crazy. And she's the origin of the word booyaka! so she gets props for that. Quistis is And Zell "The Machine" Dincht has got to be one of the most amusing characters ever. Seifer and his posse are definitely the most interesting characters in the game- Squall could've been as interesting as Seifer if it weren't for disks three and four.

And Kiros? Definitely wins the award for best supporting male cast member- and it's entirely because of his largely ass kicking limit break. Laguna is a dork and we love him for it...Ward, I have nothing to say about.

Really, the only minor character I hate, despise, and loathe, is Ellone because everything is all her fault.
I've decided that Selphie is clearly a sorceress because of her limit break and Rinoa is clearly the devil because of her evil mind manipulations done to Squall. There's a plot in there, somewhere, one that definitely involves Seifer saving Squall from his own melodrama and Zell saving the day at least once. Selphie and Irvine definitely do not stay a couple...he can be her Knight, if he feels he must, but Selphie really doesn't need a Knight. She's like, the ultra-feminist version of the Sorceresses.

The problem with Squall is that he can be paired with literally anybody. I mean, even Rinoa isn't so bad if you only think about the way she acts in the FMVs. If I ever do write VIIIfic, I'll have to actually choose a pairing, and that's going to give me a headache. >_<

*sigh* People without spellcheckers make me sad.

I want to take a stick of charcoal to a piece of heavy, expensive paper and just scribble. Have done nothing creative whatsoever during break; writing the occasional bit of pointless drabble doesn't count. That's not creativity, that's wankery. Haven't even played Ophelia or picked up the flute. Been feeling totally and completely worthless as a result.

"Vodka is a nice drink, not like that Scotch crap." Andy says I must be a girl. *rolls eyes*

Being sporadic and just zoning out for the most part...but here I am on the computer while the brother and his friends watch TV. Some things never change- only my realization of how feckin' huge this monitor is.

Was thinking about doing the traditional New Year's Boffo angst snippet, but the characters aren't feeling particularly angsty. Dei just keeps getting amazingly drunk and ends up irritating Tyler to the point of a flying tackle while Opal giggles and Len braids Jubal's hair. It's quite silly and amusing, but rather difficult to describe in words.

I'd just like to let everyone know that I suck at cards, and naps are good, and my sleeping patters are going to be so far out of whack it's going to hurt.

But happy new year. I expect I'll have more to say in a bit...I'm in the mood to do an overview, of sorts.

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