Tuesday, December 09, 2003

No, Sanzo, I am not writing you any angst. Now step away from the Flogging Molly and stop giving me amv ideas. Trent would kick your ass from here to Atlantis for that song, anyway, so just give it up.

Fucking muses and their fucking song calls. *rolls eyes* Schuldich, you are not suffering from gender issues, I won't allow it, so stop pretending your name is Hedwig. And don't even think about going around saying "I'm just a slip of a girly-boy from East Berlin." I'll rearrange your whole backstory if I have to, and then I'll have someone else rearrange your face.

Also, Setzer, your name is not Angel, Collins, or Maureen. Shadow is not Joanne. The both of you need to stop it with the Rent and Shadow needs to quite eyeing the O Fortuna and the Eccentric Opera. There is a such thing as too much drama in fanfic, and if that story ever wants to be finished, the both of you will quit it with that. Spoiled brats, the both of you- dozens of other muses will never see their stories in writing. So behave.

*sigh* Blah. Need to do homework.

*is in a very antisocial mood* Blah indeed.

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