Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Oh! Let me be as a man triumphant
standing proud and unashamed
As ships find their way into waiting harbors
no longer bereft and empty

The stupid fanfic, in a nutshell:
scheme scheme flashback plot plot sex! angst scheme plot whine angst pout violence! grr hiss rarr sex! banter banter angst! whine sap pout banter sap sex! angst lies drugs plot! action action violence evil! angst! sex! happy ending.

Only there will probably be a few more exclamation points and I am on so much seriously bad crack it frightens me sometimes. I want to find out who is responsible for this crack rabbit of a story so I can kick them in the head. ...now that I look at it, that rather resembles a lot of the stories I've written/intended to write. Huh. How odd. Only there's usually less sex! and more UST! And in this one, there are no people with voices- wait, no, never mind, I lied. Due to feedback from ff.net (told you I was a crack whore) I've decided to keep the whole Sixth Sense thing. So, yeah, voices. Oops.

I need a new hobby. One that doesn't label me as quite so much of a deviant and a loser. I should've stuck to knitting. *sigh*

Tree63 reminds me of Vertical Horizon, only with the praise Jesus aspect, and the fact that they're gold, not blue-orange. Don't even bother telling me that blue-orange isn't a color. I will pointedly ignore you and hum the chorus to "Glorious Ones," because it's currently stuck in my head like it has been for the last three days.

I have the first 16 episodes of Saiyuki, and I have decided that I want to marry Gojyo. Because marrying Hakkai would just be asking for trouble, (even if I'm not his sister) and Sanzo...uh...yeah. Not touching Goku with a ten foot pole, he'd probably eat it. I *heart* this series and it's silly angst and homoerotic subtext and wonderful characters and nifty storyboarding. (Hella love for the storyboarding.) Also, the excellent taste in music of the people who make amvs for the series. Much love, there. My other new favorite song is "Blinded" by tatu. S'like Sarah MacLachlan on acid. Yummy.

I have had two and a half ours of sleep over the past thirty something hours. Sleeping on trains is really hard. *yawwwwn* But...I'm home. And that means video games. In bed. Clearly, I did something good in a past life. *happy*

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