Thursday, January 01, 2004

Fuck it. This was a shitty year. A really shitty year. There's no point in looking back and doing a month by month overview when it was such. a. shitty. year.

Some day I'll realize that there is no point in looking back, and I'll learn to look forward instead.

...I'll let you know how that goes. Give me twenty years, maybe, and we'll see if I get better or worse.

I'm betting worse.

Sleeping patterns shot to hell, what can I say- I've got a lapfull of cat and a blanket so I can ignore the fact that once again, it's fricken' freezing in this fucking house.

Some things really do never change, and I've hit that point where I'm too tired to want to go to sleep again.

This is no time to be dramatic. *shrug* So I'll stop, and maybe I'll go to sleep.

Then again, maybe I won't.

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