Tuesday, December 09, 2003

So, the last entry involved a lot of babble about art, and how perspective is the devil, black and white monotone stuff is yummier than lemon bars, and subtle shades of grey are god. Feel the power of god, unf.

Right. It was also about how I like not having a style, sort of. I know I draw my faces too long and my noses too large, and I know I fluctuate between styles like crazy. I wish I didn't love the way everyone else drew so much. I do like that my style is more unconventional than not, though. That pleases me.

Favorite artists:
Faith Hicks of Demonology fame, with her lovely noses and squee facial structure.
Arby of Grayling, who does sexy noses and some gorgeous black and white.
Vert from Kill the City with black and white art to die for.
Glass Shard. Dude. Just. Dude.
Other artists I worship are Dylan of Bite Me with her yummy noses and cheekbones and coloring, the two Veras (not me and not me either) with the creativity and the disturbingness and the whatnot.

When looking for more Christmas music, I found Nightwish's "Bless the Child." Now there's a song that begs for a music video. Sephiroth, put it down. I've had enough of your angst.

I'd forgotten how much fun the airbrush could be for outlines...but I hate that photoshop is so sensitive it picks up every tremor in my hand and makes it impossible to draw a long, fluid line. Pisses me off, but the layers are more versatile than in OC, which is what I prefer to use for lineart.

I'm in my "work, what work?" mode. Can't deal with things anymore. Feel the need to hide under the bed, but the dust bunnies would kick me out.

Born too late and left to wallow in thoughts of what might have been. *sigh*

Enough of this. I have no fucking reason or right to be in this mood.

...yes, dehydration causes mood swings. Next time, someone remind me not to be a fucking moron, hey?

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