Sunday, December 14, 2003

The problem with is that it does not offer instant gratification, or really, any gratification at all. Stories and comments seem to update all at once at midnight because of whatever coding they use on the site, which is quite frustrating, particularly when you're writing in an obscure fandom that doesn't get many comments under normal circumstances. Even more particularly when you're writing an obscure pairing in a strange way in an obscure fandom that doesn't get many comments under extenuating circumstances, either.

The snow is making hissing noises.

Going to bite the bullet and write a paper that requires actual reading and quoting and thought, none of this winging it shit. Compare and contrast shite and whatnot. Also, two of those questions on the Tao are the same question. I object. >_< No matter.

I can do this. Outlines done. Will write after dinner.

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