Friday, October 24, 2003

So, I took a nap, and woke up wishing I hadn't, and then I decided, "Hey, this blog layout is too happy! I'm PMSing, and I want the whole world to know it!"

I love how I'm always the one complaining about other people having layouts that are too high-contrast, and hurt my eyes- and here I am with black and blaring yellow. I hate the color yellow. This was entirely an accident caused by the slip of a hand in photoshop on the color slider.

I rather like the way it looks, though. I'm waaaatching youuuu.

The blogtitle is Bo's fault, because it was very early and it seemed a ridiculous statement. Rather fitting for my mood, when taken out of context. :D

My next project will be to redo the archives page, and mess with my lj layout, I suppose. I don't really get the tags for livejournal, though; this layout was really just an experiment in XHTML, to see if I could pull it off. It took me way too long.

I haven't eaten since lunch, and I don't intend to eat anything, either. This is a new experience for me; I expect I'll go to bed early.

I rather want to write a Wild Arms snippet now...and my stickers will be coming in next week. Yay, huzzah.

I'm dehydrated, and on a hormonal downswing...this would normally call for angsty song lyrics, but...I haven't got any.

"Sorry, Nova; I've got plans with Trent for tonight."
"Well, I don't mind the company, Virgil, you know that..."
"No, I've got plans."
"What kind of plans?"
"So, you see, I really don't have time for you."
"You-you-Oh, I don't even have words!"
"You kissed me! Gross! Ew! Eeeeeewwww! Virgil germs! In my mouth! Eeeewwww!"
"Dude. Calm down. It got rid of her, didn't it? And it's not like I'm diseased or anything, you can stop gargling water from the Sound; you'll get yourself sick."

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