Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Hmm...since I'll have to do it eventually anyway, I may just write my nanonovel around Virgil, in an Urban Arcana-esque steampunk setting.

However, that would get me more interested in the setting than the characters, and that's really, really dangerous in writing these things.

Then again, DDD grew up around the concept of the disease, then the main character, and then the world...and Seventh Hour was just a crack induced free thought excersize that produced 10,000 words in one sitting.

Those were all plot devices first; I didn't base either of those stories around the characters until I began writing.

But writing Virgil would be fun; in a past life, maybe, or an alternate universe. I'd have to work out world logistics and minor things like plot and characters, but it would definitely be fun.

Hmm...things to think about.

Gaaahhhh, Blue Gender is such an awful show! The animation is terrible, the plot is cliche, and the dubbing is just plain sketchy. Bring on Bebop, damnit!

*sigh* Stupid cartoon network...if they ever stop showing Bebop, I'll cry. I really will. Hn.

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