Thursday, October 30, 2003

If I were thinking in terms of Gravitation, Trent would be Ryuuichi, Virgil would be Hiro, Nova would be K (only not as inherently cool and suffering from PMS), and Perry would be Sakano- series Sakano, not oav Sakano. Because I'm evil like that.

And Shining Collection is the awesomest song ever, and I think the music from Gravitation is well on its way to stealing my soul.

This story is not supposed to have a soundtrack that's on crack. It's not.

But, since soundtracks are more fun than...uh...really fun things, and since I just woke up from another excessively long nap during which I dreamed about my dad pretending to be King of the Jews, I think I deserve to be just a little random.

...Waitaminute. *applies head to wall* Why the hell was my dad pretending to be King of the Jews? And not in the Jesus sense either, this was the "Look at me with my furry cape and crown all you Jewish people, now give me homage and fork over all your post cards!" kind of sense. There were rabid horses, too. And sketchy people on busses.

I need to get more sleep at regular hours if this is going to keep happening. Oi. And body? Quit that. I already told you we weren't dying, so you need to stop. *sigh* All the forces of the universe are conspiring against me, I swear.

Okay, so, soundtracks.

Boffo definitely has a lot of Jewel and Sarah MacLachlan and other angstyfemme music; also, a lot of random Yoko Kanno/Cowboy Bebop music, and some random folk/country stuff thrown in there as well. A little They Might Be Giants rounds out the crack factor.

DDD (NaNoWriMo2001) was nearly all They Might Be Giants, because there's nothing better for dream sequences. There was a lot of BNL in DDD too (I love my acronyms...) because they're also great for dream sequences.

Seventh Hour (NaNoWriMo2002) was Loreena McKennit and Sixpence None the Richer because "The Old Ways" and "Breathe Your Name" were basically the entire plot. I'd put those two songs on a loop and just write, and that would be the end of it. That's probaly why I didn't finish that one...But yeah. Celtic folkish music and creepyfemme stuff.

Song of Shadows doesn't exactly have a soundtrack, since it spans several centuries and lifetimes...but a lot of Sondheim stuff from the 40s and 50s works really well with the characters. So, a lot of Dawn Upshaw and opera/instrumental sort of things. Opera Babes and Bond would work really well, I think. I haven't found any underlying themes in the story beyond sex and violence and the like, so it's hard to find music to work with the story.

Godless Avatar is lots and lots of Spock's Beard, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Luna Sea. It oozes angst and violence. *grin* The story just tends to ooze bad art and bad crack, mind you...and I suppose, with that much SB, the soundtrack also oozes crack. Really bad crack. Like, Rain of Revelation and Thoughts bad crack. Mmm, crack.

All Directions, GO is now apparently setting itself to lots and lots of anime music. Thank god for Sarah's drive, that's all I've got to say. Gravitation, Naruto, Hellsing, Bebop, Wolf's Rain...oh yeah. Lots of 80's rock music, too. Need to download me some of that. This story is on so much crack...

The talking fish are just the beginning...

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