Thursday, October 30, 2003

No no no no no! Damnit, Trent, I am not writing a character with mpd! If you were posessed, fine. Schizophrenic, even better. But not mpd! I won't do it! You can't make me do it! This story was supposed to be fun and I am not going to use you as a vessel for every fucked up thing that ever happened to everyone in my life and my stories. So stop throwing those fucking disturbing snippets at me because it's not going to-

...What the hell did you just do to Virgil. Oh, fuck you broke my brain and I am not pleased.

Excuse me, I have to go look up various mental disorders. This is what I get for listening to Wind on repeat play. Bad Akeboshi. No more bad, angsty Engrish for you.

And Trent was supposed to be such a fluffy character. ...Well, by the time he got to the Nano, at any rate. There is that free thought bit from over October break, but that doesn't really count...damn.

Damn, damn, damn.

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