Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Oh, sweet, blessed All, I can not take the angst anymore. If this story does not have a happy ending, I swear I'm going to shoot someone.

A Long Hard Road FFVII fanfic. Angst, yaoi, het, angst, big explosions, political scheming, angst, insane earth spirits, evil aliens, clones, angst, Sephiroth, and a big heaping of angst on the side, just to add flavor. Did I mention the angst? Or that it's 36 chapters of angst, and I don't think any chapter is less than fifteen pages, long, some of them nearly eighty pages? And that it's not finished? And that I'm only halfway through and the angst is so thick I'm feeling depressive and vaguely suicidal, in a very vague sense of the word? Ye Gods! SO. Much. Angst.

And it's well written angst, and it's beautifully written angst, and it's angst with so many issues that it's very nearly physically painful to read, and I Just. Can't. Stop. Reading. Because it's just that damn good, but so full of angst. And at this rate, there are only two ways it can end; either everyone dies and the Planet gets laid to waste, or the good guys triumph and get over their issues and angst and go off to live happy lives with their respective soulmates. And y'know what? Even the former option would be a relief, because I'm sure they'd all be so much happier if they were dead. However, if that happens, I will cry.

*head explodes from angst overload*

Gods, someone just give the man a *hug*! *is not sure whether she is referring to Seph, Cloud, Zack, Hojo, Ro, Cid, Vincent, hells, even Angele- or possibly some combination of the eight*

I...just needed to take a momentary break, you see. Before the angst choked me.

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