Thursday, March 13, 2003

I am fascinated by the concept of, not the one from The Inferno, the one from Weiss Kreuz. Yes, the anime about four assassins whose cover operation is a flower shop called The Happy Kitten or something to that effect.

Cold blooded killers by night...florists by day. *d'oi*

On the Weiss side, you've got Yohji the manslut, armed with a garrote; Aya the emotionless killer who thinks he's his sister, walks softly and carries a big sword; Ken the soccerjock who actually doesn't look like a girl and uses a set of bagnak (tiger claws) to slice things up; and Omi, the pedophile's wet dream, who uses a big ass bow since that's such a common assassin's weapon. *d'oi* Then you have their counterparts, Schwarz. We have Crawford, the emotionless American precognitive killer with a penchant for white suits; Schuldich the German manslut telepath with very silly hair; Nagi the pedophile's telekinetic wet dream from Japan (like a schoolgirl, only more feminine and probably with a more annoying voice actor), and Farfarello. The one-eyed albino schizoid psychotic self-mutilating Irishman with a knife fetish who, above all else, wants to make God suffer. No psychic power that I'm aware of, just prone to insane, psychotic rages, and tends to be unable to feel pain.

I should probably watch the damned series before I start getting ideas about the characters, but still. There's far more floating around about the Weiss boys than about the Schwarz ones, even though Schwarz seems far more interesting to me...but then, I've always had a thing for villains. And Aya irritates me, as does Omi, and Ken, though Ken irritates me in a far more abstract way because I've decided that he's the best looking of the Weiss crew. Yohji's just distracting, and of little consequence either way.

Of course, people have even less to say about Schreint, which isn't particularly surprising since Schreint is really only a rather bare attempt at garnering a male fanbase for Weiss, if you ask me. Personally, I feel that since three of the four main characters already look more feminine than most female characters ever could, throwing in an assassin team of deadly chickas was completely unnecessary.

But then, I really should watch the series before I go making assumptions. (The dub is called "Knight Hunters" or some such silliness- if they were going to translate it, why not do it properly and call 'em "White Cross"? Too religious? *snort* "Knight Hunters", indeed.)

Still. Farfarello intrigues me, and his character design begs to be drawn, or at the very least casually doodled in the margins of a notebook to give disturbing one-eyed glares to people who attempt to deceipher my notes. I dunno, the scars, eyepatch, white skin and hair, and deranged glare in combination are just utterly spiff, what can I say...:)

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