Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Oh yeah, who is drooling over the yummy yummy concept of multiple Agent Elro- I mean, Smiths? Yup. That would be me. *drools* I realize that I'm quite slow on the uptake and should have stated this before, but- we all know I'm rather slow on the uptake, so stop acting so surprised.

Can not wait to see The Matrix. I'm going to drag everyone, including Oliver's family. They will have no choice. We will take up seven rows in the movie theatre! *Weird Al song call, aisle five* "Because I'm fat, I'm fat, you know it..."

Hugo Weaving more than makes up for the fact that Keanu Reeves can't act. His very presence makes up for it. Even if all he did was stand in the background and look badass, the entire movie would be made worthwhile by his presence. *bliss* He played a drag queen in Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, you know. ...Yeah. I had a hard time with that one, too. But I suppose that it isn't that far of a leap after watching Lord of the Rings, and it's certainly not as difficult to comprehend as seeing Wesley Snipes in To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything.

Wesley Snipes in all-out drag is a sight to behold, and really isn't for the faint of heart. It's a good movie, though. I'm not sure who originally rented it, or why we ended up watching it four times, but it was amusing every time. (I think dad rented it originally and we watched it, then Kev rented it so he could show it to his friends, and then for some reason everyone kept watching it...my memories get a bit surreal at that point, as the movie itself is rather surreal- like when they decorate the hotel room. *shakes head* Makes me wish I were a drag queen, sometimes.)

...anyway. I've already seen X-2, but a bootlegged version that really just didn't do Nightcrawler justice. I adore the new Nightcrawler. *fangirl* Still can't stand Jean Grey; Wolverine's been getting on my nerves (blasphemy, I know); Scott's always been annoying; Storm irritates me as well...there really aren't many characters in this movie that I adore, other than Professor X (I worship Patrick Stewart and everything he does) and Magneto (Sir Ian "You can call me Serena" McKellan! *fangirl!*). I'm quite fond of Pyro, however. He's wonderful. Rogue, however, is worthless (further blasphemy, please forgive me) and Bobby- why?! Why would they focus anything around Bobby Drake, of all people? Never mind that he's ridiculously popular- he's spastic and annoying and I have far too many ingrained prejudices against him and his spastic self because of the one Iceman comic I've read...and therefore I shall never respect him as a character again.

His actor's pretty cute, though. I'm much more fond of Pyro, however...and Nightcrawler. *fangirl* Mystique doesn't radiate evil the way she should...she was relegated to the position of 'lackey' in the first movie, and that makes me sad. Mystique was always quite cool, and while she still kicks ass, she doesn't do it with the same...style that I think she should.

But. The bootleg dvd, courtesy of Mark, had black spots in it and it was pretty fuzzy. So I would love to see it again, as to better squeal at the good parts (lots of explosions, Nightcrawler, Magneto...) and boo at the bad parts (Jean Grey, Cyclops...) and just to see it on the big screen to say that I have.

Am currently reading The Drawing of the Three, Stephen King's second book in the Dark Tower series. Gunslinger was deeply disturbing. This one's much better, if only because of the Screaming Temporal Doom With Cheese. And the lobstrosities. Heh. "Lobstrosity." *snicker* Go on, say it. It's fun. Lobstrosity! ...Stephen King frightens me, and I'm not even reading one of his horror books. This series is a complete and utter mindfuck, though. It's great.

I'm very fond of Eddie, and Detta/Odetta are growing on me...and of course, Roland is wonderful with his flashbacks and stoic sensibility. Lots of death and dying and drugs and schizophrenia and other fun things like that. Not bedtime reading at all, but a good book nonetheless. The foreword amuses me to no end- King basically says to the reader, "I have no idea what's going on in this book, the previous one, or any of the following books. Ask me again when I finish the series- in two hundred years."

I think I could like Stephen King quite a bit, if I let myself. I think I have one more Dark Tower book after this one, then I'll have to find other things to read.

Must remind the father that I want a copy of Parachutes and the Chantal Kreviazuk CD he has. Perhaps I can convince him to buy Evanescence and copy that for me, as well. It might inspire me to write Song of Shadows snippets that i can actually use...I do love that song, "Wake Me Up Inside". Reminds me of some of my Nightwish stuff, only without the funky Finnish accents. :)

Wrote a scene in Foxbird's notebook the other day...I now keep a pile of notebooks by my bed (not in my bed, as I tend to lose notebooks that way) to write in before going to sleep. It's only worked semi-well, but I'm hoping to get more written tonight, for something. Anything will do.

...And that's where I stand thusfar. Still listening to Jason Mraz on repeat play because he makes me happy (though it doesn't take much), still working on the Yrkai picture I started a few days ago (using a different coloring technique, one that involves excessive use of the smudge tool...I rather like it), and that's about it. Still obsessed with Weiss Kreuz, though not with the same intensity as before. Have just finished a bottle of Diet Vanilla Coke. Feeling rather proud of myself for that- I've never finished a whole bottle of soda in four days before. I may become a Coke junkie, yet. (Not that kind of coke, the other kind- never mind.)


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