Sunday, September 18, 2005

Bandwagon, ho! (spam spam spam spam)

So, I want to have Nintendo's remote control shaped little babies. (Yes, yes, somewhat behind the times, hushup.)

"But wait, V," you're asking, "aren't you an oldskool h0r? Don't you scorn newfangledness like syphilis? Doesn't this thing go against all of your convictions as a lazy, antisocial console gamer, the same way online games do?"

Well, yeah, kinda. MMORPGs offend me in the sense that when I play video games, I do it to be a nerd with no social life. I play them so I can avoid people. My objection to the Revolution's controller would involve protesting the amount of movement and effort required to do anything. But I imagine there will be an option to increase the sensitivity of the controller so you don't actually have to engage in an aerobic workout while playing Zelda; otherwise, I can only imagine the horrible things that will happen to people who crash into objects in their homes while playing. Generally when I'm gaming, the only parts of my body I want to be seriously involved are my thumbs, with the controller, and my ass, with the floor. None of these full wrist or arm movements- if I wanted to play tennis, I'd bloody well go out and play tennis.

On the other hand, video games are all about interactive storytelling; the Revolution is upping the level of interaction, and I think that's awesome. So my two cents on the matter look kind of like everyone else's: a nice blend of "WTF" and "F'awesome, dude!"

Y'know what else is awesome? Bleach 195. Ikkakuuuuuuuu! (I really want to cosplay Ulquiola solely for his skull hat. This probably makes me a horribly shallow person, but I do not care!)

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