Thursday, September 04, 2003

So, yeah; those of you interested in being a sounding board for Avatar (meaning Bo, but anyone else who wants to, really) can just leave a comment or something; hells, leave a comment anyway, even if it's just to say 'yo, you're a moron and aren't really going to go through with this'. That's okay.

Mmm, head banging to Carmina Burana. Gotta love somethin' composed by a guy named Orff. Just say it a couple of times. Orff Orff Orff! Heh.

name: Zazi (*coughcoughguadocoughcough*)
occupation: archetype of order
age: a few hundred millennia or so, give or take an aeon
preferred gender: male
height: 6'
build: average
hair: white blonde
eyes: gray

Zazi is the oldest self aware being, as Space and Time don't count. They're just sort of there, if y'know what I mean. Zazi is, as one would expect, a complete and total anal retentive, obsessive compulsive, type A personality. He can't help it, it's just what he is. He's also chronically depressed and a complete and utter pessimist to the point where you really, really want to smack him in conversation. That's mostly his sister's fault; in the beginning, he was quite happy. Now, toward the end, he's gotten to be more than a little cynical.

He's only the oldest by a bit, as his sister popped into being as soon as he'd gotten his bearings and had a good look around. Rhonaya is the archetype of Chaos, and in the very beginning, they were very close. But as soon as Rhone grew into her power, they became not exactly enemies, but certainly not friends. Like Dar and his mother, no matter what he does, Zazi cannot escape his sister. She is entropy, and entropy will always encroach upon order. She's also incredibly manipulative, and has Zazi wrapped around her finger.

Of all the archetypes, Zazi is usually the only one with any sort of plan or method to his actions. The others do what they want, when they want, and damn the consequences. He is cursed with always knowing the consequences, and because of the nature of the universe, the consequences are slowly killing him. Rhonaya grows stronger as he grows weaker; entropy increases, order decreases, and Zazi dies a little bit more every day. His cynicism is understandable when you look at things from his point of view.

Zazi is actually fairly easy to get along with, once you accept that he is the personification of order. He accepted long ago that no matter what he does, the universe will ultimately destroy him; he exercises complete control over his own domains, but basically lets everyone else do as they wish. He was once a domineering hardass with no consideration for anything but himself, but he's mellowed out severely over the years. Encroaching death does that to some people.

The worlds he controls are basically blank, featureless places, empty and perfectly ordered. The rest of the universe isn't allowed in; after the Bleak on Ula, Zazi became rather hermit like, moving his branches to the outskirts of Ula, as far away from everything else as possible. It's a survival tactic; so long as he has one sanctuary, he can survive. I keeps him alive, but it's rather lonely.

The irony is that if he cut himself off completely from the rest of Ula, no only would his own worlds wither and die, but Ula itself would wither as well; in a rare act of selflessness, he made the system able to sustain itself without him to watch over it. Eventually, everything will fall apart, but by then he'll be gone.

Yes, Zazi is vaguely depressing. He also has more issues than you can shake a small furry animal at, and they're all Rhonaya's fault. (I really am being rather misogynistic here, aren't I? How odd...)

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