Sunday, July 06, 2003

Oi. So, this new random mix CD by Squeaky?

Wow. Random. I don't recognize most of these songs, but I like 'em. I like 'em lots.
Track list so far...

1 When I Grow Up- Garbage (I like this song more than I should, I think)
2 Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen (We all know and accept that this song is God, yes?)
3 Stonecutter's song- The Simpsons (Who keeps the metric system down? WE DO!)
4 Hallelujah- Rufus Wainwright (...amen.)
5 Walkin' on the Sun- Smashmouth (*boogies* Yes, this song was made for boogying)
6 Road Man- Smashmouth (*giggle* RA-TA-TA-TAAA!)
7 My Name is not Merv Griffin- Garry Muller (*falls over and dies* His real name is George!)
8 Pinch Me- BNL (Underwear!)
9 Call Me Al- Paul Simon (*boogies retro style* how come they never got Art Garfunkle?)
10 The Peanuts theme-meh (*boogies jazz style*)
11 Random Jazz (because everybody needs a little random jazz in their lives)
12 More Random Jazz (in six different flavors!)
13 Really Really Cool Song That Doesn't Really Exist (because I can't find any trace of it on a search engine, damnit!)
14 Transcendental Instrumental Song- (*drool* preeeety)
15 Why Can't We Be Friends- Smashmouth (much amusment. I *heart* Smashmouth)
16 Zibby-da Song- damned if I know (it's like a Kirtan gone horribly wrong...)
17 Hoedown- dunno (Beef: It's what's for dinner. *boogies*)

An' that's it...I really wish I could figure out the name and group that does track 13, it's buggin' the hell out of me and I really like the song. Will have to ask Squeaky next time I see him.

Watched last two episodes of Eva. Reactions:

Director: I dunno, I think we could've done Kaoru's death scene so it had a little more impact, a little more emotive significance- we may need to re-edit some of those scenes, or make Shinji's hesitation last just a little longer.
Lackey: Uh, sir? I don't think that'll be possible.
D: Why not?
L: We ran out of money.
D: Well, get the animators to do the last two episodes, and we'll pay them later!
L: They all left, sir. And the screenwriter just shot himself. Said he couldn't take it anymore, the show deprived his life of all feelings of worth and joy.
D: Damn. What do we have left for the last two episodes?
L: Well, we have some of the preliminary character sketches, these pictures from my vacation last summer, and these doodles one of the animators did in the margins of this take-out menu.
D: And for the script?
L: There's this instant philosophic dialogue generator I found on the internet...see, you plug in a few basic concepts and it gives you a whole dialogue...
D: It's incomprehensible! That's perfect! The fans won't even notice the difference! Here, use my laptopt to put the images together into something resembling animation, and I'll give the seiyu twenty bucks each if they'll read these lines.
L: Yes, sir!

D'OI. >_< Must watch movies and see scaryscary Rei-Kaoru-Lilith Monster of DOOM and Cheesy Romance. *splee*

But still. Eps 25 and 26 were on serious bad crack. I almost would've preferred a depressing ending. Bah. Happy Shinji disturbs me almost as much as Bubble-Headed Rei.

Watched Spirited Away, as well, to introduce the parents to the wonder that is Miyazaki. *further spleeage* I still love No-Face and the mouse-baby and Haku, who kicks much ass and rocks in all the best ways. Mmm, yummy animation.

And the parents? Still no clue what's going on. Still no clue why my dad left three months ago, no clue why he came back on Monday, no clue at all...and I don't like it, one bit.

*sigh* And when I'm thirty, I'll tell my therapist "No shit, I hate my father. What the fuck am I paying you for, anyway?" Eh, well.

Hakuna Matata, and all that jazz.

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