Sunday, July 06, 2003

Never, ever say that those Jedi mind power things don't work. If you concentrate on something for long enough, it will happen.

Of course, the reason I've just been thinking about this is mostly because I was too afraid to actually do anything about it...and now I'm backed into a corner and have reverted to the practice of not checking my email again.

Wow, I'm pathetic. I think I finally understand the people who thing that a girl can not have any sort of platonic relationship with a guy without there being some aspect of sexual attraction between them. *le sigh* I still disagree, of course, but I can see why some people might think that to be true. Eh, whatever. *kicks world, members of the male persuasion especially*

...also, Mordant's idea of 'walking softly' just means not making as much noise as, say, a herd of elephants being stepped on by a flock of giant rubber duckies. "Quiet" isn't really part of his vocabulary.

...quick, someone give me a stick, I need to bludgeon into submission. Give me Eva fics, you little rat bastard!

Wow, I'm still pathetic. I need to get out of the house more.

Went to The Book Shoppe yesterday, the place for all your random book needs (excluding any sort of manga, but including quite a few comic books). Bought Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb, since I've been wanting to read it for quite a while- I mean, pirates! Ships that talk! Sea serpents! Who wouldn't want to read it? Also got A Scattering of Jades by Something Something Irvine. Historical fantasy, from 1835. A little bit earlier than I'd actually been hoping for- I like things from the late 1800's, early twentieth century, ala Mercedes Lackey's Fire Rose and related books. Only I refuse to read anything by her now, so...

Haven't really started either book; Jades incorporates all sorts of Aztec mythos bits into its plot, which means there are words with far too many consonants in proportion to the number of vowels, and a distressing tendency to use the letters 'z' and 'x' in ways the Roman alphabet never intended. After the chapter on Aaron Burr's conspiracy, I put it down and read Ship's prologue- ditzy sea serpents! Much more my style.

Left Only Begotten Daughter at home, of course. I think I'm avoiding it because it frightens me.

Oh! Also bought Death- A User's Guide, because I figured it would make a handy reference.

I often wonder what goes through the heads of cashiers at bookstores when someone like me shows up- I would have gotten Almost Dead Gods, a Rolling Stones biography, had I not been limiting myself by the number of books I could easily carry stacked on one hand. I guess I'm really not that bad, but a girl I knew once went into Barnes & Noble and raided their discount book rack, their fantasy/sci fi racks and most of the rest of the bookstore and walked out with over a hundred dollars worth of discounted books on everything from Star Wars to Tolkien to selected readings by Khaleel Gibrain- which she eventually gave to me and is now sitting under my computer. It's a very large and intimidating book.

Damn. Forgot to buy Abhorsen. Meh. Will have to go after it later.

Must remember to order a copy of Equilibrium from Amazon and have it shipped direct to Kev...a belated birthday gift, of sorts. I'll be going down to see him this coming weekend, and he has promised to help pick out a computer for me. Since dad will be with me, not mom, there will be no problem with just buying the damn thing and sticking it in the trunk of the car- or ordering it and having it shipped back home.

Can't wait to see Kev. *happy days* And his shiny, shiny entertainment system and shinier cable connection, of course. :) Must make it through this week, first. Will work proper work hours all week long- no more 2 hour lunch breaks, no more snarky comments from dad, nothin' but work, work, work, and more work. Fucking zip codes. Think I'll do Maine once I finish with the midwest.

The parents are back from the shortest bike ride ever, and have just discovered that, no, there really isn't any food in the house. Organic peanutbutter most decidedly does not count as food. It disturbs me, however, that a large quantity of the matter in our freezer lies under the descriptive heading of "might be bait".

We have a new motto: No Food, Just Worms.

Thank you, thank you, I'm here until Monday. *bows out*

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