Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Oh yeah- Pirates of the Carribbean and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?

Pirates was better. League was short, which was much appreciated, since it was intensely pointless but a fair amount of fun.

Stewart Townsend as Dorian Gray made me go Eeeee! And now I must read the book. I must read (almost) all the books those characters came from, because if nothing else, I have gained from the movie an appreciation for how much a character can be butchered.

But Mina Harker as Psycho!vampiress amused and delighted me a great deal, especially in combination with psycho!experienced!Dorian Gray. Mmm, sexy.

The invisible man amused me, and the boyz were greatly impressed by his ability to run about naked in the snow. Captain Nemo shouldn't have been able to kick quite as much ass, but hey, we don't really care. Sean Connery should have been shot. Sooner. Tom Sawyer made me want to bang my head against a wall, but I restrained myself and felt sorry for Dr Jekyll instead.

So many books to read...

Pirates, on the other hand...Now, Orlando Bloom is pretty and earnest looking and I understand in abstract why he has hordes of screaming fangirls hanging from his prancy little feet, but really. When compared to the swashbuckling delightfulness that is Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, he just doesn't measure up, I'm afraid.

Now, sure, Legolas is a prancy little elf boy, but Jack Sparrow is a prancy badass pirate, so I'm afraid he beats Legolas every day of the week, 'cept maybe when he's hung over. There are no words. None whatsoever. But when you see me staring off into space with a silly grin on my face, it's probably because I'm thinking about Pirates, and the rampant (gayness) swashbuckling. Mwahaha.

Unfortunately, I keep on getting Jack Sparrow and One-Punch Mickey confused in my head, so there's a prancy pirate with a Piker accent running around up there. Must watch movie again to get this sorted out.

But right now, I must go play scrabble with my family and try very hard not to get bored or angry and wander away.


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