Sunday, October 13, 2002

I am now greatly desirous of that screen shot from The Real Folk Blues part II with Julia and the would make a kickass winamp skin, or a wallpaper or...well, anything.

I'd had my suspicions about the ending, mind you, but I wasn't quite expecting what happened...and since I missed part I, I really don't know what was going on. Still. 'Tis done; I believe I've watched every episode now, save for #25, and I'm almost positive I have it on tape somewhere. (I am rather annoyed that last night's YYH did not have Hiei in it. Genkai is amusing enough to make up for that, I suppose, but it's just not quite the same. Also, am attempting to finish watching El Hazard so as to return it to its rightful owner- I got through two more episodes last night. All I can say is- yeesh. I wish my teachers acted like that. Cross dressing and lesbianism and giant bugs, oh my! Such silliness, such overwhelming silliness...)

I'll have to see what is brought home from the con that I might borrow or keep...if anything is brought home at all, that is. I'm okay, really- it's the weather, and hormones, and the fact that it's my birthday (I don't really have a birth day as such...I have a period of time extending about a half-week in either direction around the actual day during which several mini-not-quite-celebrations occur, depending on who's around. If anyone is around, that is.)

I'm feeling sorry for myself. I apologize. I have no right.

Blarg. Other things that I've forgotten: that sniper, down around Washington? The last victim was in Fredericksburg. That's where Kev lives...and currently, Krista's area is in a panic, and her school has guards around it, and I'm more than a bit worried.

So, anyone, if you happen to be reading this, know that I care, and I worry, and I love, even though I tend to forget to remind people of this. Any of you. All of you. Unconditionally.

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